13th ISNS European Regional Meeting, Luxembourg
Newborn Screening LIVE from the Heart of Europe
European Congress Center Luxembourg
1 Rue du fort Thüngen
Luxembourg, L-1499
Website: http://www.eccl.lu/en/
Welcome !
Greetings from the ISNS President
As President of the ISNS it is great honour for me to invite you to Luxembourg for the 13th ISNS European Regional Meeting to be held from March 23rd to 26th 2025.
2020 has been a year of great challenge and it is a tribute to the dedication and commitment of those in the newborn screening community that services have, by and large, been well maintained and children have continued to benefit from the life changing interventions offered by screening. It is on that basis that we aim to press ahead to refine and extend this benefit to more and more children and to cover a greater number of conditions.
This Conference, which will be attractive to many, will emphasise the collaborative nature of progress with a theme of 'Newborn Screening - working together in the heart of Europe.' It remains a time of great opportunity and promise with new treatments driving the need for early detection and new technologies allowing us to rise to that challenge and we will hear more of this during the meeting.
Patricia Borde, President of the Conference and Kate Hall, Chair of the organising committee are committed to creating a unique opportunity for networking in a participative style in this important event for the newborn screening screening community in 2021.
The cultural sophistication of Luxembourg will provide a stimulating backdrop to this important conference and I look forward to welcoming you in person to the meeting.
Jim Bonham, PhD
ISNS President
Greetings from the President of the 13th ISNS European Regional Meeting
On behalf of the International Society for Neonatal Screening and the Local Organizing Committee it is my pleasure to invite you to join us in Luxembourg for the 13th ISNS European Regional Meeting in March 2025.
We are more than enthusiastic to welcome you to our small but charming country of Luxembourg. As a cosmopolitan crossroads at the centre of Europe, the Grand Duchy is a melting-pot of nationalities, cultures and languages. Openness to the outside world is a key element of the Luxembourg model of society where integration is an everyday reality.
Therefore, the theme of our next meeting ‘Newborn screening LIVE in the heart of Europe’ reflects exactly what we aim to implement during this time, building and strengthening networks, discussing and exchanging experiences from all over the world. It will be an opportunity to share expertise and hear of new developments and of course to meet our colleagues.
Join us in Luxembourg in 2025 for what will undoubtedly be a spectacular meeting.
Kind regards,
Patricia Borde
President ISNS 2025
Welcome from the Chair of the Local Organising Committee
I am delighted that the 13th ISNS European Regional 2025 meeting will now take place live in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg at the European Convention Centre located in the Convention Park. The elegant and spacious ECCL has excellent conference facilities and prides itself on its green credentials including accessibility and sustainability. It is a great place for networking.
We have planned a wide ranging symposium programme including multi-‘omics, the latest in screening for and treating neuromuscular disorders, cystic fibrosis and sharing newborn screening experiences across Europe.
A new initiative in 2025 will be ISNS Academy 101, a small pre-meeting before the main conference for those setting up newborn screening anew or those who have worked in the area for a short time. The theme will be on establishing a quality newborn screening service with practical presentations from experienced speakers to stimulate in depth discussions. We anticipate that this Academy will be the first of a series tailored to specific needs around the world. It will take place on Sunday 23 March 2025 prior to the Opening Ceremony and there will be a modest fee. See here for more details, programme and application form.
In conclusion, mark your calendars and come and join us in Luxembourg, 23-26th March 2025!
Kate Hall
Chair, Local Organising Committee
Local Organising Committee
Kate Hall (UK), chair
Mei Baker (USA)
Jim Bonham (UK)
Patricia Borde (Luxembourg)
Rachel Carling (UK)
Eugenie Dekkers (Netherlands)
Urh Groselj (Slovenia)
Clement Kebbabi (Luxembourg)
Viktor Kožich (Czech Republic)
Marizela Kulisic (Luxembourg)
Stuart Moat (UK)
Jan Østrup (Finland)
Dimitris Platis (Greece)
Peter Schielen (Netherlands)
Dianne Webster (New Zealand)
Raquel Yahyaoui (Spain)
Rolf Zetterström (Sweden)
Scientific Committee
Jim Bonham (UK)
Rodney Howell (USA)
Dianne Webster (New Zealand)
Amy Gaviglio (USA)
Aysha Habib Khan (Pakistan)
Ghassan Abdoh (Qatar)
Mei Baker (USA)
Juan Cabello (Chile)
Layachi Chabraoui (Morocco)
David Cheillan (France)
Roberto Giugliani (Brazil)
Dimitris Platis (Greece)
Peter Schielen (Netherlands)
Kate Hall (UK)
MCI Geneva
c/o Mrs Gaëlle Notzli
email: isns@mci-group.com
Travel grants
A limited number of travel grants to the Luxembourg meeting is available. Please complete the application form and send it by email to office-manager@isns-neoscreening.org by 1 December 2024.